Day five is pretty much he same as days three and four — wet, rainy, cold and can’t see much of a view. When we reached camp today the sun actually came out for almost an hour, so my gloves mostly dried.
Experience has taught me to pack clothes and sleeping bags in plastic bags. Without dry clothes it would be impossible to summit this amazing mountain. And having the right gear is critical as well. Even after walking hours in monsoon-like rain, my body was totally dry. Thank goodness for Goretex!
We will reach high camp tomorrow and make a decision when to begin our final summit, considering weather. We may leave at midnight tomorrow night, or the following morning.
Photo is of me and “Crazy Willie”. He’s so awesome, and looks after me.
So excited to stand on the roof of Africa! (And also hot shower when we get back.)
Hakuna Matata
January 4, 2017 at 12:26 am
I’m envisioning a hot caramel apple cider in your hands soon…..