…was born on the side of a road;
…has beautiful big eyes so dark brown they look black;
…has sandals that make a squeak with each step;
…likes to blow kisses;
…knows how to “high-five”;
…lives at Her Farm with her biological mother, but is every woman’s child and every girl’s sister;
…had me at “hello”;
…will get an education, good nutrition, health care, and lots of hugs at Her Farm;
…has strong women as role models;
…will learn to talk and say “Uncle” when she sees Scott MacLennan;
..but most of all, Barsa with Squeaky Shoes has a future because she is at Her Farm.
Barsa’s mother is on the left in the photo below, holding and breastfeeding the baby of the woman on the right, who had come to Her Farm needing help. It was obvious the baby’s mother had been unable to provide adequate nutrition for her baby, so without hesitation, no words needed, Barsa’s mother began to breastfeed the woman’s baby. Instinctive, pure-of-heart human kindness.
Helping, sharing, and working together at Her Farm. If you’ve made a donation already, thank you. If not please consider doing so. Immediate funds are needed to continue earthquake relief efforts. We’re making a difference every day to rebuild Mankhu.